What I'm Working On
September 06, 2020
What I’m currently working on: personal projects, learning, open source, etc.
In Progress
- Tomasz Łakomy’s Egghead course Build an App with the AWS Cloud Development Kit
- Reading the Rust Book in its entirety
Up Next
Systems Programming with Rust
- Specifically looking at this guide, the PingCAP Talent Plan
DynamoDB single table design, streams, etc.
Set up a simple landing page for helloworldless.com
- Ideally, I’d like to see how far I can push infrastructure-as-code using AWS CDK for DNS, static hosting, and continuous integration, all in one repository
Spring Boot Open Source Contribution
Basic CI/CD pipeline (deploy on commit) for davidagood.com
- Uses AWS CodeBuild and CodePipeline
Completed follow-ups:
- Wipe S3 bucket via Lambda instead of in CodeBuild buildspec post-build step
- Invalidate CloudFront distribution via Lambda as part of the pipeline
- Plenty of follow-ups mentioned in the readme
Would Like to Do One Day
- Revisit Haskell, specifically looking at Practical Haskell: A Real World Guide to Programming
- Revisit Ruby/Rails
- Revisit RedwoodJS
Create a proof of concept of a declarative, cache-aside in Java, e.g. using RxJava
- Always wanted to code this up after seeing 1000 lines of imperative code, every single method repeating the same boilerplate: if key in cache return value, else get key from database, update cache, and return value
Python + Machine Learning
- Good tweet from @svpino about how to go about it here
- Build something with Vert.x or Reactive Spring