David A Good

How to Automatically Request and Refresh OAuth2 Client Credentials Token in Spring

December 10, 2020


This post is based on this question:

Here’s a more accurate description of my scenario:

Let’s say I’m a developer working on Customer Service which needs to request some information from another microservice, Order Service, which is secured by OAuth2. In OAuth terminology, Order Service is a resource server. Before making a request to Order Service, Customer Service needs to make an authorization grant request to the OAuth2 authentication server. The response from the authorization server includes an access token which then must be passed on the request to Order Service in order to prove that it is authorized to access the resource. This type of service-to-service authentication is specified by OAuth2’s Client Credentials Grant Type.

So far, this is simple enough—it’s basically passing a username and password to one service which returns a token which is then sent on subsequent requests to another service. The tricky part is that the token periodically expires, so Customer Service needs to periodically request a new token from the authorization server before calling Order Service. I refer to this as refreshing the token (not to be confused with OAuth2’s Refresh Grant Type), although technically it’s not a refresh but just another request which “exchanges” the client credentials for a new token.

I considered a few ideas of how you to handle the token expiration:

  1. Request a new token before every request to the resource server
  2. Catch 401 Unauthorized responses from the resource server, assume it was due to the token expiring, request a new token, and retry
  3. Save the token and expiration time in memory. Before making a request to the resource server, first check if the token has already expired or is about to expire. If so, request a new token. Finally, make the request to the resource server.
  4. Save the token and expiration time in memory, and have a timer which triggers a token refresh some interval before expiry

We could go through the exercise of discussing how some of these solutions are better than others, but my whole point was that I definitely did not want to rely on a bunch of imperative code to do this or roll my own abstraction. This is such a common problem, I thought, it must be already solved within the Spring ecosystem. And indeed it is! Both of the solutions I describe below use
strategy #3 from above.

Solution #1: Using WebClient

Note: This solution assumes the use of Servlet-based Spring, not Reactive Spring. The Spring WebFlux dependency is added
in order to use an OAuth2 client-configured WebClient in blocking mode. That being said, you may be able to adapt this solution for Reactive Spring, but I have not attempted to do so myself.

How To Use It

Update: After about one month of working with this, I created my own repo which demonstrates how to do this and incorporates all the lessons learned: Handling OAuth Client Credentials Authorization Transparently with Spring Security

For quick reference, here are the dependencies you’ll need:

  • org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-web
  • org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-security
  • org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-oauth2-client
  • org.springframework:spring-webflux

Another Example of How To Use This

Although I ended up creating my own repo to demonstrate how this should be used based on my experience, I still think this example is relevant because it’s from the Spring team.

The example is in this Spring Authorization Server sample. The Authorization Server project is still experimental but not the code in the client module.


  • This solution is highly configurable, but that comes at the cost of complexity. If you’re not experienced with Spring Security and OAuth, there are a lot of new abstractions to learn.
  • Adding the Spring OAuth2 Client dependency automatically protects your existing Spring Web endpoints by OAuth, which is not at all what we’re after for this server-to-server request. So Spring Security defaults must be disabled, i.e. using a custom WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter. I’ve written a separate post describing how to do this: How To Completely Disable HTTP Security in Spring Security.
  • This is a much bigger leap if you’re not already using WebFlux, and potentially a harder sell for your team. There are a lot of new concepts to learn and there seems to be some churn here as well: one solution I found used a class which had already been deprecated.
  • You’ll have to use new tools from a testing perspective. For example, ExchangeFunction for unit testing. Also, you won’t be able to use MockRestServiceServer. The Spring team recommends using OkHttp’s MockWebServer (link) which is what I’ve used in my demo repo.

Dependency on Servlet Environment Causes Unexpected Behavior

By default, the Spring Security OAuth2 configuration is heavily coupled to the Servlet environment. In other words, even though a service is making a backend-to-backend request to a resource server using OAuth2’s Client Credentials grant type, it is done in the context of the incoming servlet request. If the service is not using any kind of authentication for its Spring Web MVC controllers, the user is actually considered an authenticated, anonymous user. And in this scenario, AuthenticatedPrincipalOAuth2AuthorizedClientRepository.loadAuthorizedClient defers to HttpSessionOAuth2AuthorizedClientRepository.loadAuthorizedClient which—just like it sounds—depends on an HTTP session to maintain a context across multiple requests. This results in the following unexpected behavior.

Say we start up our service and make one HTTP request to it which under the hood leads to a service-to-service call to an OAuth resource server. The Spring Security OAuth abstractions will determine that no authorized client exists in its repository and make the necessary grant request to the authorization server before making the request to the resource server. All good so far.

Now we make a second HTTP request to our service which will lead to a second service-to-service call to the same OAuth resource server. Assuming the token has not expired, we would expect the Spring Security OAuth abstractions to re-use the token to call the resource server. In other words, it should not need to make a second grant request to the authorization server. However, if we do not use the same HTTP session for both requests, that is exactly what will happen.

I did find these properties which sound related but did not have the desired outcome of decoupling the client credentials grant request from the servlet context:

ServletOAuth2AuthorizedClientExchangeFilterFunction oauth2Client=new ServletOAuth2AuthorizedClientExchangeFilterFunction(
// OR

Next I found this, Provide Servlet equivalent of UnAuthenticatedServerOAuth2AuthorizedClientRepository #6683 , which led to the creation of AuthorizedClientServiceOAuth2AuthorizedClientManager (part of org.springframework.security:spring-security-oauth2-client) which is described as:

An implementation of an OAuth2AuthorizedClientManager that is capable of operating outside of a HttpServletRequest context, e.g. in a scheduled/background thread and/or in the service-tier

Here’s the latest version of AuthorizedClientServiceOAuth2AuthorizedClientManager from Spring Security 5.4.2.

At last: the AuthorizedClientServiceOAuth2AuthorizedClientManager was exactly what I was looking for to eliminate the coupling of OAuth client credentials authorization to a servlet request and specific HTTP session.

See how to use it here:

Handling OAuth Client Credentials Authorization Transparently with Spring


Solution #2: Using OAuth2RestTemplate

How To Use It

Here’s a nice blog post which shows how to use it: Secure Server-to-Server Communication with Spring Boot and OAuth 2.0 .


  • OAuth2RestTemplate is in no way, shape, or form customizable. To be honest, it seems to have been slapped together in an hour or two just to check a box or close out an issue.
  • Adding the Spring Security dependency automatically enables basic password authentication, you have to disable it if you don’t need it, i.e. using a WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter. I’ve written a separate post describing how to do this: How To Completely Disable HTTP Security in Spring Security.
  • Doesn’t pick up Jackson customizations from the context, so they need to be applied again which may not be straightforward. For example, in order to apply a common customization like Jackson’s WRITE_DATES_AS_TIMESTAMPS I had to fall back to explicitly annotating fields with @JsonFormat. In contrast, anywhere I’m using RestTemplate, the serialization feature is picked up from application properties: spring.jackson.serialization.WRITE_DATES_AS_TIMESTAMPS: false.
  • Other RestTeplate customizations are lost, e.g. connection/read timeouts

    • I haven’t confirmed this, but I don’t see how they could be carried over

I was actually considering re-implementing OAuth2RestTemplate using composition instead of inheritance which would solve the last two caveats above. It should be pretty straightforward as there really isn’t much code in OAuth2RestTemplate, so using composition, almost everything would be delegated to RestTemplate. In fact, I’m not sure why the author(s) of OAuth2RestTemplate didn’t go with this approach.

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